[FS2020] - Maule M7–235 v1.1.1


The Maule M-7-235 is a single-engine, high-wing, light utility monoplane by American aircraft producer Maule Air.The airplane is a STOL, or short take-off and landing craft, and has seating for up to five, including pilot.The M-7-235, nicknamed “Super Rocket,” is renowned for its versatility and ability to operate out of rugged, unimproved airfields, and for its power.

The M-7-235 features a fuselage that is framed with chromoly (chrome molybdenum) steel tubing, a strut-braced, all-metal wing, and a traditional undercarriage.The aircraft measures 23 feet, 6 inches in length, stands 6 feet, 3 inches tall, and has a straight main wing with a span of 33 feet, 6 inches.The aircraft is powered by a 235-horsepower Lycoming IO-540-W6-cylinder piston engine.It has a range of 550 miles, a stall speed of 49 miles per hour, and a cruising speed of 147 mph.Sturdily constructed, powerful, and a great STOL performer, the Maule M-7-235 is a machine ready for flight throughout the globe.