F–16 C, D & I Fighting Falcon v1.1.0


– Complete cockpit re-build for F-16C and F-16D, corrected geometry, improved textures and enhanced detailing throughout
– Many instruments corrected in appearance and functionality for greater realism
– Corrected collision meshes within cockpit
– New ACES II ejection seat models and textures
– New control column and throttle assembly models and textures
– MFD displays in F-16D “parented” to those in front cockpit for improved performance
– Improved emissive coding and interior lighting

– Exterior PBR, weathering, textures and decals all improved and enhanced
– Addition of JFS door animations
– Enhanced afterburner emissives
– Undercarriage animations re-done for greater accuracy along with contact points
– New decals for warning labels
– New decals for all panel lines
– Exhaust animation schedule re-done for greater accuracy
– Exterior lighting and emissive meshes corrected and enhanced
– Ambient sounds added for cockpit Interactive Point
– Conformal Fuel Tanks returned, and given multiplayer-compliant visibility coding
– Over a dozen more liveries added to F-16C and D models
– Collision mesh added to exterior
– Smoke effect corrected and bound to wing light for ease of use
– Canopy tint decals added to allow variety of glass colouring