[MSFS2020] - Navigraph - Navdata 2010 Rev.7 (cycle) Build for MSFS2020 v1.7.14


- approach patterns fixed
- removed double com-frequencies
- airport update exclusion added to avoid double runways (ie. WSSS, KSAN, KIAH, FSIA, PHNL, ...)

When the client software has updated FS2020, you can expect changes to the navigational data:
-Missing airports have been added (e.g. EDDS and ZBAD)
-Missing procedures have been added (e.g. ILS 16 at LIRF)
-Missing navaids have been added
-Additional VFR waypoints have been added

More specifically:
- 7.760 VHF Navaids have been updated
- 3.327 NDB Navaids have been updated
- 70.944 Enroute Waypoints have been updated
- 1.303 Markers have been updated
- 13.166 Airports have been updated (including COM frequencies, runways, ILS, terminal waypoints, terminal NDBs, and terminal procedures)

This navdata update service from Navigraph only updates the navigational data. To some extent the simulator will attempt to redraw the visual scenery, but this update will not affect buildings, aprons, taxiways, landmarks, geography or anything visual that, for example, a scenery developer would work with.

Known Current Limitations :

In addition, have excluded the following items (but left the default data untouched), but expect to add when possible:
airways and ATC boundaries
airports with a longitude >= 161 degrees
all MilTacans
all Com frequencies < 118 MHz