[FSX/FSX:SE/P3DV3/P3DV4] - Carenado - Diamond DA62 G1000 v1.1

Changes in version v1.1 :
- Added GCU 460 Control Unit (keypad).
- SVS (Synthetic Vision System) ready (for those customers who have it installed).

-Improved knobs operation of G1000.
-Improved G1000 messages and GPS modes messages.
-Improved autopilot ALT mode.
-Improved Curse and Heading knob operation. Now with a right click of the mouse you can change the increment of the knob.
-Improved NAV operation. Now when selecting a frequency, the curse gauge lines up immediately.

-Fixed a Cold and Dark issue about a wrong setting of the fuel tanks.
-Fixed Flight Plan issues.
-Fixed small discrepancy in temperature indicator between PFD and MFD.
-Fixed some small bugs.