[MSFS] - Simulações REX - REX Weather Force v2021.07.30


v2021.07.30 / Technical Update 1.5 Changelog:

ADDED – Compatibility with the latest version of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator (

FIXED – Pressure interpretation.

FIXED – Winds and temperature aloft rendering in upper levels.

FIXED – Pressure where data is missing in the weather data.

FIXED – Incorrect pressure rendering on the main interface.

FIXED – Ground snow not properly clearing over time.

FIXED – Overcast clouds not properly clearing over time.

FIXED – Low-level clouds not rendering bases correctly.

FIXED – Weather computations that were causing weather to sometimes not inject during flight.

Weather Force is the new metar-based dynamic real-time weather engine for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

By utilizing inter-process communication with the simulator via fine granular control, you will experience automated, dynamic, and smooth weather transitions from real-world reporting metar stations. Also includes a wide range of proprietary dynamic, changing (non-static) weather scenarios.